




IJCEE - edited by Ceris


IJATM - edited by Ceris


S. & T. in cifre 2014


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Working Paper Cnr-Ceris, N° 13/2014

Une expérience d'intégration entre analyse quantitative et qualitative: l’évaluation de la formation professionnelle en Région Piémont

 [An integration of quantitative and qualitative research methods: the evaluation of vocational training in Piedmont Region]


Igor Benati*, Valentina Lamonica


 National Research Council of Italy

Institute for Economic Research on Firm and Growth

CNR-Ceris, via Real Collegio 30,

10024 Moncalieri (To), Italy



* Corresponding  author:  This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it




Abstract: Impact assessment, in public policy evaluation, faces two major challenges: on the one hand, the theme of impact measurement, on the other that of its explanation. Quantitative research techniques usually play a vital role in the measurement, while qualitative techniques are much more useful in explanation. In order to carry on a successful impact assessment is therefore necessary to integrate the first with the second, combining them in a balanced research design. The use of mixed methods in this direction, allows to overcome some criticism to quantitative approach, as well as to qualitative approach. But how is it possible to achieve an effective integration of qualitative and quantitative methods in impact assesment? The article attempts to answer this question. After a brief theoretical excursus on the use of mixed methods in evaluation research, with the presentation of three different theoretical options for use of mixed methods (sequential, concurrent, and transformative), the paper describes a single experience of integration between qualitative and quantitative methods, based on the analysis of employment effects of vocational training, experienced in Piedmont Region, within the independent evaluation of the ESF Operational Programme. The paper explain the choices made in research design, discussing the positive and critical.


Keywords: public policy evaluation - impact assessment –  mixed methods – vocational training


JEL Codes: Z18, B41 





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