




IJCEE - edited by Ceris


IJATM - edited by Ceris


S. & T. in cifre 2014


Ceris Newsletter


Working Paper Cnr-Ceris, N° 18/2013

Infezioni correlate all'assistenza ospedaliera: un caso studio di costo efficacia

[Hospital Aquired Infection (HAI): a cost-efficacy case study]


Greta Falavigna [1]

Istituto di Ricerca sull’Impresa e lo Sviluppo del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
CNR – Ceris
Via Real Collegio 30, 10024 Moncalieri (Torino)
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Roberto Ippoliti
S.S.A. Sviluppo e Promozione Scientifica,
A.S.O. “SS. Antonio e Biagio e Cesare Arrigo” di Alessandria;
Via Venezia 16, Alessandria
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Grazia Lomolino
S.S.A. Controllo Infezioni Ospedaliere,
A.S.O. “SS. Antonio e Biagio e Cesare Arrigo” di Alessandria;
Via Venezia 16, Alessandria
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Abstract: This study proposes a cost-effectiveness analysis concerning the implementation of a tool to check for ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in Intensive Care. VAP is a sub-type of hospital-acquired pneumonia which occurs in people receiving mechanical ventilation. An empirical analysis is performed to estimate the effectiveness of a specific procedure to prevent VAP (i.e. Ventilator Bundle), as well as to evaluate cost savings related to not developing the infection.  The relevance of the results thus obtained is not only clinical but also managerial and economic, since a reduction in costs improves the economic performance of hospitals and a lower incidence of VAP improves their reputation on the national market of healthcare services. 

Keywords: Ventilator-associated pneumonia; Ventilator Bundle; Analysis of cost-effectiveness; Intensive-Care Unit


JEL Codes: I11


Gruppo di Autoformazione Metodologica (GRAM) presso l'A.O. Sacco di Milano (28/05/2013) e Primo Workshop Internazionale "Syncope Risk Stratification in the Emergency Department" presso Palazzo Feltrinelli di Gargnano (26-27-28/09/2013).



[1] Autore per la corrispondenza.




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