




IJCEE - edited by Ceris


IJATM - edited by Ceris


S. & T. in cifre 2014


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Working Paper Cnr-Ceris, N° 12/2012


Concept cars and the development
 of the bleucar project 

Giuseppe Calabrese
National Research Council of Italy, CNR-Ceris,
Via Real Collegio 30, 10024 Moncalieri (To), Italy
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Monique Vervaeke
Centre Maurice Halbwachs-CNRS,
48 Bd Jourdan Paris 75009, Paris, France
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it


Abstract: Many scholars are discussing signs and company strategies that seems to confirm that the transition to cleaner vehicles is starting. Freyssenet (2011) announced a new automobile revolution and Rifkin (2011) a third industrial revolution. How could industrial design be a field of study and discussion about ideas related to an automobile revolution? What are the links between an automobile revolution and a third industrial revolution? The prospective design approach would be used to analyse the new orientation taken in the automotive industry. Concept cars and new experiments are giving signs about the evolution of the automotive sector towards new forms of mobility. The Bleucar and Autolib in Paris, an innovative electric car sharing system is the outgrowth of an historical process. The paper examines how design of concept cars introduced new representations and changing social uses of the cars in the 1990’s. It will be described the first step of the Bleucar’s project, the design research, the actors and the companies involved in the project since 2005. Finally, the paper analyses actors and institutional interactions between public and private partners for setting up the Autolib mobility system in Paris. The conclusions present some reflections about the issue of new mobility systems for the automotive industry.


Keywords: Industrial design, design theories, concept car, new mobility, electric vehicle

JEL Codes: L60, M10




Il presente working paper è frutto dell’accordo di cooperazione scientifica tra il CNR e il CNRS per il biennio 2012/2013 in merito al progetto congiunto tra i due autori Franch and Italian trajectories in design for the new mobility systems in the automotive sector.





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