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Working Paper Cnr-Ceris, N° 05/2012

Nota sulle relazioni fra l’analisi di Schumpeter e quella di Sraffa

De Marchi Mario
CNR - National Research Council of Italy -
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ABSTRACT: This paper considers the matter of possible links between Schumpeter’s theory of technological change and the economic theory of the classical or neo-Ricardian school. The paradigm of the neo-Ricardian theory adopted here is that found in Sraffa’s book Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities. The idea of investigating how distribution changes as technology changes take place by adapting a method originally conceived for the determination of rentes is put forth. Shifts in the hierarchy of dominant-dominated techniques are explicitly taken into account here. This way, the model helps explain the shifts in prices and production efficiency caused by the diffusion of innovation as well as the related changes in the volume of surplus generated by the economic system and how such surplus is shared among the various classes.

Keywords: Technological change; Schumpeterian approach, Neoricardian approach

JEL Codes: O33



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