European Research Projects

2010-2012: scientific responsible for the desk research of the EMPATIC project (Empowering Autonomous Learning through Information Competencies), funded under the LifeLong Learning programme of the European Union

since 2008 -: Country Correspondent for the METRIS (Monitoring European Trends in Social Sciences and Humanities) initiative by the European Commission- DG Research

2008: scientific co-ordinator of the EnIL International School on "Business Information Literacy", funded by the Central European Initiative Rome, 13-17 October 2008

Ceris-CNR Representative at the Stakeholders' Meeting "ERASMUS for young entrepreneurs", Brussels , 17-18 December 2007

2007-2008: PARSEC (Pubblica Amministrazione: Ricerca e Sviluppo tecnologico per un'Evoluzione Competitiva), FSE pilot project - Programma Operativo Nazionale 2000-2006 "Ricerca Scientifica, Sviluppo Tecnologico, Alta Formazione".

2007: scientific co-ordinator of the EnIL International Summer School on Information Literacy, funded by the Central European Initiative , Fermo, 10-14 September 2007

2001-2002: co-ordinator of the Work Package 4: "Assessment of regional and national factors" dell'azione preparatoria PSINet (Public Sector Information Network) within the e-Content Programme;

since 2001: co-ordinator of the project EnIL (European network on Information Literacy) a Network of Excellence aimed at establishing a Culture of Information in Europe through the definition and implementation of a common research agenda for Information Literacy.

since 2003: participation to the project PRIME (Policies for Research and Innovation in the Move towards the European research area) within the FP6 of the European Union;

since 2004: participation to the project ERAWATCH funded by the European Science and Technology Observatory (ESTO);

1990: participation to the project ADAMS (A visual and intelligent aggregate data management system) within the DOSES Programme (application of intelligent databases to statistical analysis).

Carla Basili

Carla Basili

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Istituto CERIS
Via dei Taurini, 19
00185, Roma, Italy
Tel. +39.06.4993.7846

Quick links

EnIL European network for Information Literacy

EgIL The European Observatory on IL Policies and Research

LinkedIn profile

Academia profile