
2011 - : scientific responsible of the Research unit "Metadata for thematic resource collections in the Humanities" of the project Medioevo disegnato: la riscoperta del patrimonio artistico medievale tra Italia e Francia (XVIII-XIX secolo - Drawn Middle Ages: revisiting the medieval artistic heritage between Italy and France (XVIII-XIX Centuries) funded by the Italian Ministry of Research as a PRIN (Progetto di Ricerca di Rilevanza Nazionale - Research Project of National Relevance) (2011-2012)

2007 - 2010: CNR representative in the Special Interest Group "Cultural Statistics" of the National Institute for Statistics (Istat)

2006 – 2010: scientific responsible of the Project "Analysis of Information Literacy competencies of the university students" within the Sistan (National Statistical System);

2006: scientific responsible of the ERAWATCH project

2001-2002: co-ordinator of the Work Package 4: "Assessment of regional and national factors" dell'azione preparatoria PSINet (Public Sector Information Network) within the e-Content Programme.

since 2001: promoter and co-ordinator of the Network of Excellence EnIL (European network on Information Literacy).

1997-2004: Italian delegate in the European Council of Information Associations (ECIA).

1995-2004: member of the Council of AIDA (Italian Association for Advanced Documentation).

1998-2004: vice-president of AIDA (Italian Association for Advanced Documentation).

1993-1996: editor of the section "Libraries and networks" of the «AIB Notizie» journal.

1997-2001: editor of the section "The Information Society" of the «AIDA Informazioni» journal.

Carla Basili

Carla Basili

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Istituto CERIS
Via dei Taurini, 19
00185, Roma, Italy
Tel. +39.06.4993.7846

Quick links

EnIL European network for Information Literacy

EgIL The European Observatory on IL Policies and Research

LinkedIn profile

Academia profile